Tuesday 4 October 2011

Brands In America/New York

Been looking at brands already in America and wondering what do you have to do to get your brand well known across the states. Well New York have the simple but affective 'I HEART NY' t-shirts that every tourist normally purchasers (including me). It works so well and its such a simple design.. 

Look, how easy is this to recreate? American Typewriter font with a love heart, simple but genius because now if you ever type in NY to google or even New York this always comes up. Not really as the symbol of NY but the Symbol you see a lot in NY and it is advertised everywhere! NY is the 'big apple' this is the massive icon of NY and i think its bloody great! I bought a t-shirt, i looked like a tourist and you know what, its now a fashion icon. 

If you look below, more example of how easy it is to re-create this brand for different cities, different interests. Its so easy, but you can't have 'i love 9/11' - is nowhere near what people will love!

London, Barack Obama, Celebrities, Xmas or create your own.. How the brand has grown, hows it recognized everywhere.. Brilliant piece of creativity which is now recognized everywhere!

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