Tuesday 4 October 2011

Ideas From Website

On the website - there is a timeline of the actions of 9/11 running from the vital day until what is happening  now and over the next two years.

So after looking at the timeline was thinking i could include a similar thing in my book.. I screenshot the some shots from the website and i would clearly do my own copy of this but thinking it would be a good poster idea or maybe a good middle page area for the book.. complete timeline of it all..

Screenshots Below:

I've looked through the whole timeline and think its super, the layout is brilliant.. the links to videos and links to photo's are brilliant. Some of the photography is unreal, whoever got them shots are fucking brilliant.. it shows exactly what you want to see and i've never seen images like them ever before!

The images are supreme! Can't believe how intense these are. Gives me the feeling of actually being there! Its gives your such a good feeling of what the Americans witnessed that day! Can't believe how unreal these photos are. If you could ask people for great imagery of this 'tragic' event then this is the best place to go for them. You don't even need a book, you don't even need typography, these images SAY IT ALL!

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