Thursday 15 December 2011


When i got this brief it took me a while for me to get any ideas and think of anything. It took ages and i didn't really know what ideas to go with. Even research wasn't helping, nothing was working out right!

So after sitting there and actually thinking and doing layout and all the shit ideas that come straight to your mind first. I actually thought of something.. I found my logo, finished my logo and then it all came together nicely. Was in class when was was having a discussion and it ended in me getting an idea to do an iPhone or and iPad app for the memorial site. And in the end it all worked out well.

I decided on the app, an advert for the app. I did them both and thought they was both well and they both looked and was aesthetic pleasing. Because the website is already live and i was trying to aim to do something different i didn't want to be to complex and tad boring like there site so i had to do something not to extreme because the events was extreme enough but something to contrast the idea of the future but moaning. 

I think my overall outcomes have worked out very well. The app looks like an app, the advert was perfectly done but you get a good feel of what is needed and how it potrayed on the iPad and i will be uploaded one of the iPhone shortly to my portfolio online. Have enjoyed a something different and something difficult for branding and think it was worth the effort that was need to be put in.. Was a branding exercise what has loads of possibilities but i think i chose the right one for this current time where everything is going digital. 

Wednesday 14 December 2011

I used the survival story to quote my app

here's the link for the video -
i wish i could of included the video to my app but i just didn't know how to do it!

The loading screen to the app as you click on it. This comes up first! I created the logo for the memorial because didn't want to take the normal 9/11 memorial.
The current app is complete and will be filming the TV ad for the app shortly. I think the app has come together nicely with a page on every part of what they have on the website and then they have a timeline of the attacks told by the survivors with quotes in them.

Here's screen shots of a few more pages below. I'll link the PDF to this page so you can get a good concept of the app and then once the ADVERT is complete i will upload the video!

 These 4 above was the first ideas i came up with for a book cover. I don't think any of them worked so i went back and thought the iPad idea was much better. Now it has come together, i am so happy!

There you go, a few screen shots that will feature on my Advert for the app.

Sorted my logo.

I found this imagery online after searching the american flag on so many different web pages. I wanted an american flag with like a scared, broken look and i thought this was the most perfect to add typography too.  I brought the image into photoshop and just wanted to add a certain bit of text.. so i narrowed it down to september 11 memorial instead of the full title.

I did so many different copies of the logo with different font, different kerning and different leading. Here are the example below:

Then after talking with the tutor and listening to his advice i narrowed it down to one and chose to do the logo i have below. Using Times New Roman, a basic font but with the contrast of the flat they work very well together. After looking at previous logo's in America i think this could work because it users there precious flag, national colours and something very big in America's history. Give off more than one feeling just from the logo.