Wednesday 14 December 2011

Sorted my logo.

I found this imagery online after searching the american flag on so many different web pages. I wanted an american flag with like a scared, broken look and i thought this was the most perfect to add typography too.  I brought the image into photoshop and just wanted to add a certain bit of text.. so i narrowed it down to september 11 memorial instead of the full title.

I did so many different copies of the logo with different font, different kerning and different leading. Here are the example below:

Then after talking with the tutor and listening to his advice i narrowed it down to one and chose to do the logo i have below. Using Times New Roman, a basic font but with the contrast of the flat they work very well together. After looking at previous logo's in America i think this could work because it users there precious flag, national colours and something very big in America's history. Give off more than one feeling just from the logo.

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