Friday 23 September 2011

Briefing in

After reading the brief myself i had to sit back and think what the best possible approach would be.. Because i don't want to hurt anyone or offend anyone because i think there could be a few approaches that could be offensive by using the twin towers as the logo; i think because they are not there anymore you can't really use them as a logo because they are visibly not there.. I am not clear of what approach yet but after research i think i could get a few ideas. I'm so unsure of what approach to use.


Design within the constraints of a brand and employ the design process to create and promote a new brand identity for the TNS11M. NYC & Co. will produce and publish a commemorative book or brochure for the launch, this will form the basic of the rebirth/re-branding of the 8-acre World Trade Centre Memorial site (Formally Ground Zero) and Lower Manhattan itself. NYC & company - the city's tourism and markerting arms hopes vistors will.. "see the rebuilding and renaissance" of the WTC site "and pay their respects to the fallen".

Develop a concept and visual identity for The National September 11 Memorial utilising a sympathetic (corporate) typographic style, this will be used as a basic for a promotional commemorative book/brochure to celebrate the opening of TNS11M.

Specific Requirements
  • A logo/marque/typestyle for TNS11M
  • A commemorative promotional book/brochure to celebrate the opening
  • Exterior Signage.
My first idea was to use the Twin Towers (TT) shape of and put all the names of the 'fallen' in typography style and have that as my logo but is that a bit to deep? 

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