Tuesday 27 September 2011

9 11 Memorial Website/Initial Ideas

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Been looking at the 9/11 MEMORIAL website for colour ideas, typography ideas, imagery and just general ideas that will help me put together a good brand for 9/11 memorial. I'd like my idea to be more typographical but i think to brand 9/11 i think you need as much type whereas you have enough imagery to the target audience because the target audience is such a WIDE range of people. Tourist to USA, Visits, Mourners, Business clients, Design Clients, Workers and people all wanting to see the iconic NEW memorial space. 

I'd like just one quote from when the first plane hit.. something on the terms of "what the fucking hell was that" or "oh my god" or the first EVER news reading from an American news reader.. 'breaking news' "a plane has crashed into the north tower". 

After looking at the website i think it helps gives ideas because you have the chance to explore the website.. 

  • the water from the water falls with all the 'fallen' names on it
  • a leaf, silhouette of the 'survivor' tree
  • type in the TWIN TOWERS shape
  • quote from the day
  • photography
  • colours of the flag - patriotic 
Wanting to think of a title for the book next. I don't think having a photo image as the main book cover would work because i think everyone has seen the photos, everyone saw what actually happened on the day. I was thinking that to have just one quote like from a video i saw on youtube of the event or a quote from a news reading would be very touching. In the videos a lot of the reactions are "holy shit" could be a really interesting cover because could have a bold strong font to represent the trauma of what happened on that vital day that changed the WTC to the 9/11 National Memorial.

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