Friday 23 September 2011

Watching videos in real time, 9/11 - Part 1 to 6

Just watched the 911 attacks in real time starting with Part 1 starting at 8:19am with a phone call from the first flight (flight 11) its shocking watching it all from the beginning listening to it all from moment one of the first stabbing moving into the hijacking.. 

Part 1

She is on to air control explaining how the cockpit is not answering and stuff has happened to show the plane has been hijacked.. SHOCKING to say i have never heard this before and didn't expect this from the video!

Part 2

Showing the first place hitting the first tower after the call ends in "we're flying way to low" then suddenly just goes static! 

Part 3

Showing George Bush talking at the school, knowing what has happened but just thinking it was a crash.. other images showing the building with the massive hole in the side! cannot believe what i watched! 

Part 4

Second plane had just hit.. and the pentagon attack!

Part 5

The collapse of the first tower, it was the south tower - the second one that got hit! The 4th hijacked plane is taken down by Americans as they fight back and crash the plane into a field - everyone died!

Part 6

The 2nd tower collapsed.. the first tower that was hit, now both towers has fallen and the casualties will rise to loads. Debray is everywhere and NYC currently looked ruined at lower manhatten, the beautiful clear sky is now turning into dust! The firefighters & NYPD will have to work throughout the night for loads of days, maybe months for this to be sorted! 

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