Thursday 15 December 2011


When i got this brief it took me a while for me to get any ideas and think of anything. It took ages and i didn't really know what ideas to go with. Even research wasn't helping, nothing was working out right!

So after sitting there and actually thinking and doing layout and all the shit ideas that come straight to your mind first. I actually thought of something.. I found my logo, finished my logo and then it all came together nicely. Was in class when was was having a discussion and it ended in me getting an idea to do an iPhone or and iPad app for the memorial site. And in the end it all worked out well.

I decided on the app, an advert for the app. I did them both and thought they was both well and they both looked and was aesthetic pleasing. Because the website is already live and i was trying to aim to do something different i didn't want to be to complex and tad boring like there site so i had to do something not to extreme because the events was extreme enough but something to contrast the idea of the future but moaning. 

I think my overall outcomes have worked out very well. The app looks like an app, the advert was perfectly done but you get a good feel of what is needed and how it potrayed on the iPad and i will be uploaded one of the iPhone shortly to my portfolio online. Have enjoyed a something different and something difficult for branding and think it was worth the effort that was need to be put in.. Was a branding exercise what has loads of possibilities but i think i chose the right one for this current time where everything is going digital. 

Wednesday 14 December 2011

I used the survival story to quote my app

here's the link for the video -
i wish i could of included the video to my app but i just didn't know how to do it!

The loading screen to the app as you click on it. This comes up first! I created the logo for the memorial because didn't want to take the normal 9/11 memorial.
The current app is complete and will be filming the TV ad for the app shortly. I think the app has come together nicely with a page on every part of what they have on the website and then they have a timeline of the attacks told by the survivors with quotes in them.

Here's screen shots of a few more pages below. I'll link the PDF to this page so you can get a good concept of the app and then once the ADVERT is complete i will upload the video!

 These 4 above was the first ideas i came up with for a book cover. I don't think any of them worked so i went back and thought the iPad idea was much better. Now it has come together, i am so happy!

There you go, a few screen shots that will feature on my Advert for the app.

Sorted my logo.

I found this imagery online after searching the american flag on so many different web pages. I wanted an american flag with like a scared, broken look and i thought this was the most perfect to add typography too.  I brought the image into photoshop and just wanted to add a certain bit of text.. so i narrowed it down to september 11 memorial instead of the full title.

I did so many different copies of the logo with different font, different kerning and different leading. Here are the example below:

Then after talking with the tutor and listening to his advice i narrowed it down to one and chose to do the logo i have below. Using Times New Roman, a basic font but with the contrast of the flat they work very well together. After looking at previous logo's in America i think this could work because it users there precious flag, national colours and something very big in America's history. Give off more than one feeling just from the logo.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

iPad Preview

After drawing it up on paper i tried a layout design on photoshop and tried making it look like an actual iPad with the screen design and the screen quality!I think it would look very well and it would work its just the case of watching the tutorials i got gave to me by Luke Vickers and Greg Bramhall and working out how to set this up on my computer. I have to download CS5 first before getting on with this.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

First visual of the app i may produce..

Using the corporate styling of the 9/11 memorial and using that as the loading page after you've clicked onto the app.. think it could work well because the colours are nice, they work well and are appealing!

Going to have links to Obama's speech, videos of 9/11 etc..

Links to pages.. 
Excited for the prospect of this..

Think the app would benefited if clean, symbol and very aesthetically pleasing

ipad 2

size of iPad 2..

influential -
9.50 in (241 mm) (height)
7.31 in (186 mm) (width)
0.346 in (8.8 mm) (depth)
Idea Changed!

doing iPhone and Ipad app for an interactive book linking to website etc..

Updates daily, new links.. new images..

Including upload your own, upload your memories etc!

think this will work!!!

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Brands In America/New York

Been looking at brands already in America and wondering what do you have to do to get your brand well known across the states. Well New York have the simple but affective 'I HEART NY' t-shirts that every tourist normally purchasers (including me). It works so well and its such a simple design.. 

Look, how easy is this to recreate? American Typewriter font with a love heart, simple but genius because now if you ever type in NY to google or even New York this always comes up. Not really as the symbol of NY but the Symbol you see a lot in NY and it is advertised everywhere! NY is the 'big apple' this is the massive icon of NY and i think its bloody great! I bought a t-shirt, i looked like a tourist and you know what, its now a fashion icon. 

If you look below, more example of how easy it is to re-create this brand for different cities, different interests. Its so easy, but you can't have 'i love 9/11' - is nowhere near what people will love!

London, Barack Obama, Celebrities, Xmas or create your own.. How the brand has grown, hows it recognized everywhere.. Brilliant piece of creativity which is now recognized everywhere!

Ideas From Website

On the website - there is a timeline of the actions of 9/11 running from the vital day until what is happening  now and over the next two years.

So after looking at the timeline was thinking i could include a similar thing in my book.. I screenshot the some shots from the website and i would clearly do my own copy of this but thinking it would be a good poster idea or maybe a good middle page area for the book.. complete timeline of it all..

Screenshots Below:

I've looked through the whole timeline and think its super, the layout is brilliant.. the links to videos and links to photo's are brilliant. Some of the photography is unreal, whoever got them shots are fucking brilliant.. it shows exactly what you want to see and i've never seen images like them ever before!

The images are supreme! Can't believe how intense these are. Gives me the feeling of actually being there! Its gives your such a good feeling of what the Americans witnessed that day! Can't believe how unreal these photos are. If you could ask people for great imagery of this 'tragic' event then this is the best place to go for them. You don't even need a book, you don't even need typography, these images SAY IT ALL!

Tuesday 27 September 2011

9 11 Memorial Website/Initial Ideas

Home Page


Been looking at the 9/11 MEMORIAL website for colour ideas, typography ideas, imagery and just general ideas that will help me put together a good brand for 9/11 memorial. I'd like my idea to be more typographical but i think to brand 9/11 i think you need as much type whereas you have enough imagery to the target audience because the target audience is such a WIDE range of people. Tourist to USA, Visits, Mourners, Business clients, Design Clients, Workers and people all wanting to see the iconic NEW memorial space. 

I'd like just one quote from when the first plane hit.. something on the terms of "what the fucking hell was that" or "oh my god" or the first EVER news reading from an American news reader.. 'breaking news' "a plane has crashed into the north tower". 

After looking at the website i think it helps gives ideas because you have the chance to explore the website.. 

  • the water from the water falls with all the 'fallen' names on it
  • a leaf, silhouette of the 'survivor' tree
  • type in the TWIN TOWERS shape
  • quote from the day
  • photography
  • colours of the flag - patriotic 
Wanting to think of a title for the book next. I don't think having a photo image as the main book cover would work because i think everyone has seen the photos, everyone saw what actually happened on the day. I was thinking that to have just one quote like from a video i saw on youtube of the event or a quote from a news reading would be very touching. In the videos a lot of the reactions are "holy shit" could be a really interesting cover because could have a bold strong font to represent the trauma of what happened on that vital day that changed the WTC to the 9/11 National Memorial.

Friday 23 September 2011

Photo's From 911

Watching videos in real time, 9/11 - Part 1 to 6

Just watched the 911 attacks in real time starting with Part 1 starting at 8:19am with a phone call from the first flight (flight 11) its shocking watching it all from the beginning listening to it all from moment one of the first stabbing moving into the hijacking.. 

Part 1

She is on to air control explaining how the cockpit is not answering and stuff has happened to show the plane has been hijacked.. SHOCKING to say i have never heard this before and didn't expect this from the video!

Part 2

Showing the first place hitting the first tower after the call ends in "we're flying way to low" then suddenly just goes static! 

Part 3

Showing George Bush talking at the school, knowing what has happened but just thinking it was a crash.. other images showing the building with the massive hole in the side! cannot believe what i watched! 

Part 4

Second plane had just hit.. and the pentagon attack!

Part 5

The collapse of the first tower, it was the south tower - the second one that got hit! The 4th hijacked plane is taken down by Americans as they fight back and crash the plane into a field - everyone died!

Part 6

The 2nd tower collapsed.. the first tower that was hit, now both towers has fallen and the casualties will rise to loads. Debray is everywhere and NYC currently looked ruined at lower manhatten, the beautiful clear sky is now turning into dust! The firefighters & NYPD will have to work throughout the night for loads of days, maybe months for this to be sorted! 


I firstly did a insight into the World Trade Centre itself, Looked into the background, the american life and what happened on the day nobody will forget.. 9/11

A few images above of what the WTC (world trade centre) looked like before the brutal attacks on America. 

The original WTC was a complex with seven buildings featuring landmark TT (twin towers) in Lower Manhattan, New York City, United States. The complex opened on April 4, 1973, the housed office space, an observation deck, the “Windows on the World” restaurant, and an underground shopping mall, and served as a transit hub for New Jersey PATH train and New York City subway riders. Approximately 50,000 people worked at the WTC, with another 40,000 passing through daily. It was destroyed in 2001 during the September 11 attacks. The site is currently being rebuilt with five new skyscrapers and a memorial to the casualties of the attacks. As of September 2011, only one skyscraper has been completed with four more expected to be completed before 2020. One World Trade Center will be the lead building for the new complex and is expected to be finished by 2013. A sixth tower is still awaiting confirmation to be built. At the time of their completion, the original 1 and 2 World Trade Center were the tallest buildings in the world, surpassing the Empire State Building, also in Manhattan. 

1993 Bombing of WTC 

On February 26, 1993, at 12:17 p.m., a Ryder truck filled with 1,500 pounds (680 kg) of explosives, planted by Ramzi Yousef, detonated in the underground garage of the North Tower. The blast opened a 100 foot (30 m) hole through five sublevels with the greatest damage occurring on levels B1 and B2 and significant structural damage on level B3. Six people were killed and 50,000 other workers and visitors were left gasping for air within the 110 story towers. Many people inside the North Tower were forced to walk down darkened stairwells that contained no emergency lighting, some taking two hours or more to reach safety. Yousef fled to Pakistan after the bombing but was arrested in Islamabad in February 1995, and was extradited back to the United States to face trial. Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman was convicted in 1996 for involvement in the bombing and other plots. Yousef and Eyad Ismoil were convicted in November 1997 for their carrying out the bombing. Four others had been convicted in May 1994 for their involvement in the 1993 bombing. According to a presiding judge, the conspirators' chief aim at the time of the attack was to destabilize the north tower and send it crashing into the south tower, toppling both landmarks. Following the bombing, floors that were blown out needed to be repaired to restore the structural support they provided to columns. The slurry wall was in peril following the bombing and loss of the floor slabs that provided lateral support against pressure from Hudson River water on the other side. The refrigeration plant on sublevel B5, which provided air conditioning to the entire WTC complex, was heavily damaged. Subsequent to the bombing, the Port Authority installed photoluminescent markings in the stairwells. The fire alarm system for the entire complex needed to be replaced because critical wiring and signaling in the original system was destroyed. As a memorial to the victims of the bombing of the tower, a reflecting pool was installed with the names of those who had been killed in the blast. However, the memorial was destroyed following the September 11 attacks. Names of the victims of the 1993 bombing are included in the National September 11 Memorial & Museum. 

11th September 2001
Its one of them things you know exactly where you was, what you was doing and how it affected you.. I remember getting home from primary school, was in year 4 i guess. I was playing tennis outside on the front of my old house when the second plane hit. The first plane hit and i don't really remember that but i remember coming in and not really knowing what was going on but being really fasinated by these planes that had hit these towers. I didn't know much about America at that age and don't even think i knew anything about the WTC so i didn't understand what was happening. But after watching the television for house seeing the towers fall, death, people searching for people.. i can't believe what had actually happened. Didn't know about terrorism so i just thought these planes had crashed into the towers and they'd fallen, no idea thinking it was an attack on America! When your older and you look back and watch programs on it.. you REALIZE how bad it actually was and what really happened with more knowledge on the matter! The fact it was planned and what actually happened is such a heart touching moment in your life and you don't realize how many people it affected world wide. The fact they collapsed and killed so many people.. the fireman, the police, innocent people of NY. Its shocking! Its a life changing moment for Americans and the world really!

So, what actually happened on the vivid day..
As it happened:

Timeline of 9/11 Attacks;

7:59 a.m. American Airlines Flight 11 takes off from Boston's Logan Airport.

8:13 a.m. The last official communication between American Airlines Flight 11 and ground controllers occurs and the transponder stops transmitting. The hijacking occurs at about this point.
8:14 a.m. United Airlines Flight 175 takes off from Boston's Logan Airport.
8:20 a.m. American Airlines Flight 11 begins going off course.
8:20 a.m. American Airlines Flight 77 leaves Dulles International Airport in Washington, D.C.
8:42 a.m. United Airlines Flight 93 takes off from Newark Airport.
8:43 a.m. United Airlines Flight 175 is hijacked.
8:46:26 a.m. American Airlines Flight 11 out of Boston, Massachusetts, crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center with an estimated 10,000 gallons of fuel and traveling 470 mph.
8:50 a.m. United Airlines Flight 175 begins heading towards New York City.
8:55 a.m. President Bush is notified of the first crash and replies, “What a horrible accident!”
8:56 a.m. The last official communication with American Airlines Flight 77 occurs and the plane's transponder is turned off. Presumably the hijacking occurs at this time.
9:02:54 a.m. United Airlines Flight 175 hits the south tower of the World Trade Center and explodes.
9:06 a.m. President Bush is notified of the second crash, but remains in the school classroom in Florida where he is doing a photo-op for his educational policies.
9:16 a.m. United Airlines Flight 93 is probably hijacked about this time.
9:17 a.m. The Federal Aviation Administration closes all New York City area airports.
9:21 a.m. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey closes all bridges and tunnels in the New York City area.
World Trade Center, New York City, September 11, 2001
9:29 a.m. President Bush addresses students and teachers at Booker Elementary School about the terrorist attacks.
9:30 a.m. President Bush, speaking in Sarasota, Florida, announces that the country has suffered an "apparent terrorist attack."
9:36 a.m. United Airlines Flight 93 turns and begins heading towards Washington D.C.
9:38 a.m. American Airlines Flight 77 crashes into the Pentagon.
9:40 a.m. The FAA ends all flight operations at U.S. airports, the first time in U.S. history that nationwide air traffic nationwide is stopped.
9:45 a.m. The White House evacuates.
9:57 a.m. Bush leaves Florida.
10:05 a.m. The south tower of the World Trade Center collapses.
10:10 a.m. A portion of the Pentagon collapses.
10:10 a.m. United Airlines Flight 93 crashes in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, southeast of Pittsburgh.
10:13 a.m. The United Nations building evacuates.
10:24 a.m. All inbound transatlantic flights to the United States start being diverted to Canada.
10:28 a.m. The north tower of the World Trade Center collapses from the top down.
10:35 a.m. Air Force One heads for Barksdale Air Force base near Shreveport, Louisiana.
10:45 a.m. All federal office buildings in Washington are evacuated.
10:57 a.m. New York Governor George Pataki closes all state government offices.
11:45 a.m. President Bush lands at Barksdale Air Force base near Shreveport, Louisiana, rather than return immediately to Washington, D.C.
1:27 p.m. A state of emergency is declared by the city of Washington, D.C.
1:44 p.m. The Pentagon announces that five warships and two aircraft carriers will leave the U.S. Naval Station in Norfolk, Virginia, to protect the East Coast from further attack.
1:48 p.m. Bush leaves Barksdale Air Force Base and heads for Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska.
4:30 p.m. The president departs Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska aboard Air Force One and returns Washington, D.C.
5:20 p.m. The 47-story Building 7 of the World Trade Center complex collapses.

Something i will never forget!